Three Keys to Increase Your Career Prospects

All aviation stakeholders want to forget about 2020 and focus now on the actions that will streamline and bring some light for the recovery of our industry. However, we must face the cold reality that more than half of the world’s airline pilots are still not flying right now according to a recent survey by FlightGlobal.
Although, we do not expect a full recovery in 2021, we are already seeing some healing signs with regional operations opening gradually in certain corners of the world, start-up airlines committed to commencing operations in 2021 are taking advantage of the current reduced operational costs to lease in available aircraft on ACMI/DRY while building up their post-holders and key management positions. Even more promising is having a few clients in Europe and S.E Asia taking proactive actions to recruit expat personnel.
We want to play a proactive part and share with our aviation friends and peers, three areas that we consider must be taken into consideration by those of you looking to increase your career prospects during the recovery stages.
1st: Be Aviation Fit
It has been very surprising for us to have not been able to give to some experienced pilots rare job opportunities because their passport was expired or because they took so long to update a CV. We advise you to have all your documents or as many as you can in order, valid (if possible) and readily accessible including references, aviation courses, passport, licences, LPC/OPC. Also, your CV should be updated and strengthened beyond your flying hours or technical experience with key strengths, skills, achievements, and contributions to your previous employers that you can demonstrate to differentiate yourself as a strong candidate among a vast pool of talent.
2nd: Be Commercially Aware
We all want to go back to 2019 levels of profitability and margins; however, the current financial strength of the industry is far weaker and hence airlines are not prepared to offer the same commercial benefits to pilots. In our opinion, not understanding the current market rates in the industry and having unrealistic remuneration expectations is being detrimental for various unemployed aviation professionals and their future career, as many are rejecting valuable job opportunities that could keep them not only current but also in a job with food on the table during the toughest time in aviation history. Airlines are highly competitive, and we expect them to react positively to changes in the market, which means that increases in commercial conditions will eventually start happening when the expected pent-up demand materialises within the next 2 years.

3rd: Potentialise Your Strengths & Soft Skills
We want to help aviation professionals increase career prospects in this competitive environment by providing strategic tools to recognise and develop key strengths and soft skills that will stand out in the eyes of airlines, human resource departments and recruiters. To accomplish this, we have partnered with the leading coaching company in the UK, “Helping Reach Potential” to present the finest Bespoke Aviation Coaching solutions.
About Our Self-Led Aviation Coaching Course

“Adjust with Purpose”, has been designed specifically with all types of aviation professionals in mind, including pilots, engineers, and management personnel, as you all fly through the turbulence of the current challenges within the industry.
The course delivers a number of targeted, tangible outcomes, effective for the aviation industry, that are achieved through a series of modules, exercises and training, that are easy to understand and simple to implement again and again, now and in the future.
Our course contains a series of strength-based practical exercises that are backed up by science and validated by our team's many years of aviation specialised recruiting, practical coaching, training, and development experience.
Key Benefits

1. Get a personalised 20 page report that is backed up by The British Psychological Society and learn your total 24 strengths and their impact in your performance in 4 key areas of your aviation brand: Relational, Emotional, Execution and Thinking. Identify your 7 key strengths that differentiate you from the competition and learn how to exploit them for interviews and job applications.
2. Access to 5 specialised modules designed by leading coaches on how to maximise your strengths, skills and values and succeed in this competitive environment.
3. Bonus training from aviation recruiters on CV and logbook optimisation, and your aviation athlete mentality.
4. Strengths and soft skills logbook to strengthen your job applications, interviews and assessments with airlines.
5. Brookfield Premium Application Benefits
ü 2 years membership
ü Early access to jobs
ü Fast-tracked interview and documents revision
ü Reference letter for job applications
ü Premium support by senior management