20 Years Supporting Circus Starr

Among the many charitable causes supported by Brookfield Aviation, there is a very special charity that we are proud to be associated with.
Circus Starr provides £1.37 million worth of free circus tickets every year, bringing the gift of entertainment into the lives of children and families in the most need.
Director Michelle Crossley explains: “A visit to Circus Starr can give a child the rare opportunity to experience the inspiring world of circus in an environment where all of their needs are met.
The atmosphere in our Big Top is warm, friendly and extremely relaxed. Children are encouraged to be themselves – shout out, move around, dance or take time out if they need to. We have seen time and time again the positive impact that a visit to our show can have, and it makes us so proud of what we do.”

Brookfield have been supporting this cause for over 20 years now. It will be near our home base in Epsom this week and will continue to tour the UK until Wednesday 13th November. “It’s a great show, the kids love it and we’re always pleased to sponsor a group” said David George, CEO of Brookfield “ there’s a lot of misery in the world just now and so it’s great to know some deserving children are having a good time”.
If you’d like to support the Circus Starr, please visit their website: www.circus-starr.org.uk