Striking Potentiality and Demand for ATR Aircraft Leading to the Need for Pilots

ATR have announced that the demand for new ATR aircraft from now until 2037 is expected to reach 750 units as the result of the expansion of 600 new routes in the Asia region (excluding China). In addition, ATR estimates that regional traffic demand in emerging countries should grow eight times faster than in more mature economies.
An airline can produce a 15% yield benefit by offering direct services between secondary cities, while providing affordable transportation by using the right sized aircraft such as ATR.
630 units of ATR 72 will be required due to it being the most efficient aircraft for many regional routes, while the demand for the ATR 42, accommodating up to 50 passengers, could reach 120 units.
ATR aircraft are very efficient in a variety of airline business models in the region, including low-cost, full service, point-to-point and access to remote communities - According to John Moore, Head of global sales ATR.
Zuzana Hrnkova (ATR VC of marketing) believes that the smaller aircraft will be used to replace the current generation of 30-seat airliners such as the Embraer Brasilia, the Saab 340s, the Jetstream 41, and the smaller, older Bombardier Dash 8.
Figures in January 2018 state that ATR has firm orders for 113 aircraft (for airlines such as Indigo, Fedex, Iran Air, etc). The level of firm sales in 2017 tripled the number of orders received in 2016. The turboprop manufacturer delivered 80 aircraft (70 new ATR 72-600s, 8 new ATR 42-600s and 2 second hand ATRs), and reached a book-to- bill ratio of 1.45. At the beginning of 2018, ATR stabilised its annual turnover at US$ 1.8 billon, among the best performing financial results of its over-35- year history.

As ATR orders increase in volume, the need for pilots has become extreme in the market. As a result, ATR company has five training centres in Toulouse, Paris, Johannesburg, Singapore and Miami. Brookfield Aviation has been supplying instructors to a number of operators for line training and sim. We are also working with various airline clients to supply ATR pilots- Asia is the promised land for a large amount of qualified ATR42/72 pilots from around the world, and in particular from Latin America. With 377 aircraft in operation (for 60 airlines), 200 routes created since 2010, the Asia-Pacific region has the largest ATR fleets in operation, hence the job demand for this region is the highest compared to other continents. As the leading supplier of pilots, Brookfield is continually sourcing the best qualified ATR pilots for the market and has many rewarding positions available for ATR captains, instructors and first officers ( see: ) Our mission as always is to be the connection between airlines and pilots and to be in harmony with the industry‘s development.