The Right Time to Build Your Flying Hours
Our industry is one of the most important pillars of the world economy. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic the aviation business fell apart and is still now going through recovery that maybe will take some years to achieve.

Airlines have had to take action to keep their businesses going or at least to try to reduce costs to save the company, so pilots received the first strike, being grounded, laid off or put on unpaid leave. For the new generation, their dream to become a pilot was stopped due to the uncertainty to know if this is the right moment to invest in their career as there seemed to be no opportunities in the market for inexperienced pilots, and not many chances even for experienced pilots. However, as the vaccine has been developed, the airline industry has shown evidence of reactivation and growth at a slow pace - baby steps so far, but still progression and an increase in flights, which means that pilots are coming back to their jobs and hopefully new generations of pilots will now be able to have a chance.
For those, the most important thing will be to have type ratings and at least some hours on type to be more competitive and attractive for the airlines. Currently, airlines are looking for young pilots with experience. We have in our training and education portfolio some very solid partners that allow us to provide cadets with on-type experience on different types, such as B737 -200/300, Airbus 320, Eclipse, SAAB 340, ATR72, Embraer 120. Nowadays, the Boeing 737 - 200/300 Program has been reactivated and we have available slots for new pilots that want to start their careers, have a new adventure, and then look for further opportunities while the market is growing.

This is the best moment for new pilots to build their on-type flying hours and their future. Your dream is still achievable, and we have the opportunities you are looking for with our large network of clients worldwide, plus we give very generous benefits to cadets for being part of our pilot development programmes.