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The BBMF Honoured for Preserving Aviation's Legacy

The Honourable Company of Air Pilots (HCAP) awarded the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) with the Award of Honour for "an outstanding and enduring contribution to aviation, not least operating as a living memorial to aviators killed in the service of the nation."

OC BBMF, Sqn Ldr Mark ‘Suggs’ Sugden, holds the certificate for the Award of Honour. Left to right: Chief Technician Stu Read, Chief of Staff Flt Lt Emma Phillips, Admin Officer Diane Law-Crookes, Chief Technician Jeff Gullliver, OC BBMF, Capt Jonathan Legat, Master of the Honourable Company of Air Pilots, and Dame Susan Langley DBE, Representative Lord Mayor, City of London. Image Source: Royal Air Force

Office Commanding (OC-BBMF) Squadron Leader Mark Sugden received the award at The Honourable Company of Air Pilot's Trophies and Awards Banquet held at the Guildhall in the City of London in October.

In presenting the award, HCAP said: "Now in its 66th year, the BBMF has displayed its aircraft to very many millions of people. In addition, around 25,000 people each year visit the BBMF at its home at RAF Coningsby via the BBMF Visitor Centre and hear the stories associated with the aircraft. The BBMF's personnel and its wonderful historic aircraft provide a dynamic synthesis of old and new, people and machines, which is a source of great envy for many air forces that do not have an equivalent, and one of great pride for the modern RAF. For an outstanding and enduring contribution to aviation, the RAF Battle of Britain Memorial Flight is duly recognised by the Award of Honour."

The Royal Air Force Battle of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF), initially called the RAF Historic Aircraft Flight, operates from RAF Coningsby in Lincolnshire. The RAF BBMF's mission is to maintain artefacts of national heritage in airworthy condition to commemorate those who have fallen in service of the country.

The BBMF operates six Spitfires, two Hurricanes, a Lancaster, a C47 Dakota, and two Chipmunk aircraft, flown by RAF Aircrew in UK skies from May to September each year to commemorate public and military events.


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