Dialogue with Dr. Zheng Lei, a Research Scholar in British Air Tourism

Dr Zheng Lei
Biography: Director, Centre for Aviation Research, University of Surrey; MSc, PhD
个人简历: 英国萨里大学航空研究中心主任; 理科硕士,博士
Dr Zheng Lei is the Director of Centre for Aviation Research at the University of Surrey, and Visiting Professor to Civil Aviation University of China, and President of the Institute for Aviation Research, an Independent think tank. Prior to joining Surrey in July 2014, he worked as an Aviation Lecturer in the Department of Air Transport at Cranfield University from 2006 to 2014, where he was responsible for Cranfield’s renowned Executive MSc in Air Transport Management programme.
Zheng holds a PhD in Air Transport and Tourism Management from the University of Surrey. A distinctive feature of his research is its real-world and industry focus. Zheng is frequently invited to give keynote speeches to policymakers, industry conferences and seminars. He advises airlines, airports, aircraft manufacturers, aviation service providers, and civil aviation authorities around the world on strategic issues through research, consultancy and executive training courses.
Born and raised in China, Zheng is fluent in Mandarin, Cantonese and English.
It was a great honour to discuss with Dr. Zheng Lei, a research scholar in British air tourism, about a series of issues on Chinese and European aviation industry. Dr. Zheng Lei, with his unique sights on aviation Chinese and European marketing research field, shared with us his opinions and comments on foreign pilots recruiting, consulting industry development and airline ancillary revenue.
It was anticipated by Dr. Zheng Lei that demand for foreign captains will decrease gradually in next few years due to abundant supply of Chinese captains in Chinese airlines. “There are many human resources companies, which provide captain recruiting services of uneven quality, while only the fittest can survive the market. Chinese airlines will only select those who have strong human
resource database, well-established consulting service system and multiple service products as partners.
“Since 2002, the demand for foreign pilots has been increasing with no interruption, as the diversified development of tourism routes and openings of various domestic and overseas air routes. However, due to increasingly high qualification for foreign captains required by Civil Aviation Administration of China and Airlines and global competition for limited captain resources, aviation human resource companies are facing stricter standards, which include how to promote airlines, how to obtain resources of good captains, how to manage interview procedures and have a good control of each steps, how to comprehensively understand all kinds of policies of Civil Aviation Administration of China. In general, professional, considerate and diversified services plus strong pilot resource base will become two core competences of consulting companies. As Dr. Zheng Lei said before, only the fittest can survive in the future. Over the past 20 years, Brookfield, with its contracted pilot and engineer resources as well as airline customer resources all around the world, has established a strong database. We are firmly convinced that Brookfield, through deep cooperation with partners, will have a brighter future in next few years.
我们也谈到自2002起,随着旅游线路的多元化发展,国内境外及境内各式航线的开通, 外籍机长的市场需求从未中断,并且越来越大。但随着中国民航局及航空公司对于外籍机长资质的要求越来越高,全球航空公司竞争有限的优秀机长资源的情况下,如何更好的作为航空公司宣传方,如何猎取优秀的机长资源,准确把握面试流程,环环相扣的确认细节,如何全面了解中国民航局各项政策也将成为评判优秀航空人力资源公司的主要标准。总而言之,专业细致多元化的服务及强大专业的飞行员资源库将决定咨询公司的主要实力,如雷老师所说优胜劣汰,将是未来的趋势走向。Brookfield Aviation 自公司建立以来,距今20年,我们拥有强大的数据库,公司的协议飞行员,工程师资源及航空公司客户资源遍布世界各地, 我们坚信Brookfield Aviation 在未来几年通过与合作伙伴的深度合作,将会一起飞得更高、走的更远。
Dr. Zheng Lei also did some research on airline ancillary revenue. He illustrated the net profits and total revenues of global airlines and official airlines through various data in his report. In 2014, global airlines made US $733 billion in revenues but generated just US$ 16.4 billion in Net Profits. (Source: IATA). The ancillary revenue modes of European and American airlines are composed of Premium Cabin, In-flight tablets, connectivity, extra legroom seats, increased check-in baggage etc.
雷铮老师在航空公司附属收入方面也做过相应的课题研究,在他的报告中用各类数据说明了全球及特定航空公司的年度净利润及总收入。 2014年,全球航空公司的年度总收入为7330 亿美元,而净利润为164亿美元(来源:IATA)。对于欧美国际航线的附属收入模式大致包括高级经济舱,平板电脑出租,付费无线网络,额外付费空间,额外行李付费等。
Ancillary revenue consists of flight related ancillaries and non-flight related ancillaries. Flight related ancillaries include extra baggage fees, In-flight entertainment, lounge access, meals and beverages, travel insurance, upgrades, priority board, reservation changes, mobile phones rental etc. Non-flight
related ancillaries include hotel reservation, car rental, fast track through security, currency conversion, car parking, golf and spa etc.
附属收入包括航班附属收入和非航班附属收入,航班附属收入服务可包括:额外行李收费、机上娱乐项目、休息室服务、餐饮、旅游保险、升舱、优先登机、机票预定更改、手机租赁等;非航空模式附属收入服务可包括酒店预订, 汽车租赁、特快安检通道 、货币兑换服务,停车场服务(瑞安航空)、机场高尔夫及SPA 服务等。
In 2007, Air Cargo earned US$ 2.67 billion in ancillary revenue. In 2014, the total ancillary revenue reached US$ 60 billion, making it become a crucial line of income.
自2007年Air Cargo 由附属收入带来26.7亿的收入,再到2014年达到600亿美元的收入,附属收入已经成为目前主要的收入来源。
As the development of market and changes of the time, ancillary revenues products are experiencing rapid development. For instance, customers receive golf cart service to the aircraft steps by Air Asia, luggage delivery service to your house by American Airlines, member discount club by Wizzair. It is worth to mention Virgin America airline provide passengers services of seat-to-seat chat function and buying fellow passengers a cocktail.
随着附属收入的迅速发展,附属收入也随着市场和时代的改变,发生了革新。比如 亚洲航空提供高尔夫球场到机场的专属车接送服务,美国航空提供的行李直运到家的服务,維茲航空提供的会员俱乐部服务,值得一提的是维珍美国航空提供的通过座位上的在线聊天功能,给临近的陌生乘客买一杯鸡尾酒服务。
There are different varieties of ancillary revenue services. Customer requirements should be deeply divided during product development to create a whole range of service products from high-end to affordable ones to satisfy the needs of customers. AirBaltic offers travellers 70+ starters, sandwiches and beverage selections as well as good quality photos to review, making it a leader in this service field.
Dr. Zheng Lei also said that ancillary revenue services of European and American airlines, which are in full-fledged development, has become a major source of income. “At the early beginning of travelling, airline companies in China mainly collect customer data from flight reservation, check-in and customer survey and serve them products according to loyalty programme. Nowadays, airlines have wider data sources including social media, online information providers and cloud sharing. Obviously, customers are keen to know more information about flight, like comparing the price on the internet, selecting the seats etc.
However, more opportunities about how to generate income can be discovered on land like a few waiting hours at the boarding gate. One of the service products is business centre like hotels where travellers can deal with all kinds of businesses. Airline companies should think creatively to find the opportunities, especially customer marketing opportunities to elevate shopping experiences and reduce travel stress. Among those new revenue fields, website of the airline company and airport digital shopping APP are of great potential.
然而,更多创造收入的机会在地面,比如,旅客在登机门区待的几个小时。航空公司可以提供商务中心,像酒店一样,使旅客从事各种业务。这些机会需要不同的思维模式。航空公司必须找到途径,尤其是客户营销的机会,提升购物体验或减轻旅程压力。在开发新的收入领域中,航空公司的网站及机场数字化购物APP产品 具有巨大的潜力。
Dr. Zheng Lei is well-known in China and Europe aviation consulting and training field. His aviation research centre successfully organized a high-level China-Europe Aviation Summit. We benefited a lot from the discussions in the interview. We would like to give our gratitude to Dr. Zheng Lei for his great support for this dialogue.
雷老师在中欧航空领域的咨询授课享誉盛名,并在雷老师的航空研究中心也成功在中国组织了大型中欧航空高层峰会。此次话题式的探讨会面,让我从中受益匪浅,非常感谢雷老师的大力支持这次的访谈。 Company website:http://www.instituteforaviation.org/en/index.php
In Oct. 2017, President Xi and 150 delegates of entrepreneurs made a visit to London. According to media reports, Chen Feng, the president of Hainan Airlines Group, on behalf of the group, reached many cooperation agreements in UK. In this light, the future cooperation between China and British airlines can’t be underestimated. Brookfield Aviation, with its professional attitude, would like to collaborate closely with Chinese partners, work hand in hand to make innovations and create mutual benefits.
2017年10月习主席带领150人的企业家代表团抵达伦敦对英国进行访问,据媒体报道其中海航集团的陈峰主席代表海航集团在英达成多项合作,由此看来,中英航空业未来合作发展不容小觑。Brookfield Aviation 也会秉承专业态度与中国合作伙伴紧密合作,携手创新互惠共赢。
Professional translator: Fei Xu